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Workshop CryoTomo BRIN

: 06 May 2024 09:00 WIB ~ 21 May 2024 09:00 WIB


Direktorat Pengelolaan Laboratorium, Fasilitas Riset dan Kawasan Sains Teknologi BRIN membuka Open Call untuk penggunaan fasilitas Laboratorium CRYO-EM melalui Workshop CRYO-TOMOGRAPHY yang terselenggara atas kerjasama BRIN dan Thermo Fischer. 

Workshop Cryo-Tomography berisi teori dan praktek pencitraan interior sel skala nanometer, visualisasi 3D kompleks protein di lingkungan fisiologisnya. Workshop ini diarahkan untuk pemanfaatan Lab Cryo-TEM di BRIN dengan Narasumber yaitu: 

1. Dr. Nie Xin

   Sr. Product Specialist APAC

   "Unveiling Cellular Architecture through Cryo-Electron Tomography"

2. Dr. Rebecca Poh

   Application Specialist

   "Lamella Preparation Using Aquilos 2 Cryo-focused ion beam milling"

3. Dr. Boyin Liu

   Application Specialist

   "Cryo Tomography: A Technical Overview and Future Perspectives"

4. Dr. Qi Wang

   Product Application Specialist

   "Introduction of Amira for Image Visualization and Processing"


🗓 Hari/tgl: Selasa - Kamis, 4-6 Juni 2024 

📹 Tempat: Gedung Laboratorium Genomik 

           KST Soekarno

#KawanBRIN yang berminat silahkan dapat mendaftar pada link terlampir : 

📌 Link Pendaftaran : https://form.brin.go.id/s-f/workshop-cryotomo-brin

dengan mempersiapkan:

1. Berkas CV dan Motivation Letter

2. Isian form sampel

3. ICP/Proposal riset

Batas Pendaftaran sampai dengan tanggal 17 Mei 2024 

Jumlah Peserta terbatas yaitu 20 Peserta, untuk workshop ini panitia hanya menyediakan venue pada saat acara, sehingga peserta harus mengatur perjalanan dan akomodasinya secara mandiri. Sertifikat akan diberikan pada peserta yang mengikuti workshop secara penuh.

#Kami tunggu kehadirannya #Salam sehat selalu #Sampai Jumpa #OpenCallCRYO-EM


Gd Lab Genomik

KST Ir Soekarno, Cibinong

email cryo-em@brin.go.id



The Directorate of Laboratory, Research Facilities and Science Technology Area Management of BRIN opens an Open Call for the use of CRYO-EM Laboratory facilities through the CRYO-TOMOGRAPHY Workshop organized in collaboration with BRIN and Thermo Fischer. 

The Cryo-Tomography Workshop contains the theory and practice of nanometer-scale cell interior imaging, 3D visualization of protein complexes in their physiological environment. This workshop is directed to the utilization of the Cryo-TEM Lab at BRIN with resource persons namely: 

1. Dr. Nie Xin

   Sr. Product Specialist APAC

   “Unveiling Cellular Architecture through Cryo-Electron Tomography”

2. Dr. Rebecca Poh

   Application Specialist

   “Lamella Preparation Using Aquilos 2 Cryo-focused ion beam milling”

3. Dr. Boyin Liu

   Application Specialist

   “Cryo Tomography: A Technical Overview and Future Perspectives”

4. Dr. Qi Wang

   Product Application Specialist

   “Introduction of Amira for Image Visualization and Processing”

Events Date and Place:

🗓 Day/Date: Tuesday - Friday, June 4-7, 2024 

📹 Place: Genomics Laboratory Building 

           KST Soekarno

#KawanBRIN who are interested, please register at the attached link: 

📌 Registration Link: https://form.brin.go.id/s-f/workshop-cryotomo-brin

by preparing:

1. CV file and Motivation Letter

2. Fill out the sample form

3. ICP/Research proposal

Registration Deadline until May 17, 2024 

The number of participants is limited to 20 participants, for this workshop the committee only provides a venue at the time of the event, so participants must arrange their travel and accommodation independently. Certificates will be given to participants who attend the workshop in full.

#Kami tunggu kehadirannya #Salam sehat selalu #Sampai Jumpa #OpenCallCRYO-EM


Gd Lab Genomik

KST Ir Soekarno, Cibinong

email cryo-em@brin.go.id

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